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We have creditable experience of providing multitude of services to a diverse client profile. Non-resident Indians comprise a substantial portion of our client base.

We provide a range of services to our NRI clients. Our client profile includes:

  • Non-resident Indians who have/ intend to have investments in India
  • Non- resident Indians who inherit assets in India
  • Non-resident Indians/ Non-residents who have / intend to set up a business in India
  • Returning NRI
  • Emigrating Indian/ New NRI
  • Non-resident Indians who have/ intend to have investments in India

For Non-resident Indians who have certain investments, property and bank accounts in India, we manage their financial affairs in India in its entirety as follows:

  • Monitor, record and periodically report on his investments.
  • Facilitate liquidation/lease of property through a top-notch property consultant.
  • Facilitate repatriation of sale proceeds of investment and property.
  • Facilitate repatriation of income from investments and rent from the property let out.
  • Complete banking and other regulatory formalities.
  • Plan his financial transactions to minimize his tax liability in India.
  • File Income Tax Services return.

For Non-resident Indians who intend to invest in stock market, property etc., we provide the following services:

  • Devise a personal financial plan.
  • Facilitate acquisition/ lease of property through a top-notch property consultant.

Non- resident Indians who inherit assets in India

An NRI inherits assets in the form of investments, property etc. in India and intends to either liquidate them and repatriate the sale proceeds of the same or manage the same in most tax efficient manner. We enable him to achieve these objectives by facilitating the clearance from Income Tax Services, RBI and other regulatory authorities.

Non-resident Indians/ other Non-residents who have/ intend to set up a business in India

An NRI/ other non-resident businessman intends to set up business in India. We enable him to do so by providing the following services:

  • Develop an entry strategy and a financial model.
  • Undertake location studies and recommend the ideal location.
  • Identify and evaluate potential partners including due diligence reviews.
  • Arrange for complete set of regulatory approvals.
  • Arrange finance for the project by preparing a detailed project report and liaison with banks/ financial institutions/ joint venture partners.
  • Facilitate incorporation of a company in India, organize office infrastructure and manpower during the "in-transit period" of the startup/operate as a representative office.

An NRI already has a business in India, besides providing the entire gamut of financial and consultancy services, there we operate/represent/manage specific business processes.

Returning NRI

  • A returning NRI wants to retain/ disinvest assets (property, investments, business) acquired outside India and re-invest abroad the income/ sale proceeds thereof. We assist him as follows:
  • Facilitate clearance required under FEMA from RBI to continue to hold assets outside India.
  • Facilitate re-investment of sale proceeds of assets acquired outside India.
  • Plan residential status under FEMA and Income Tax Services.
  • Plan tax liability in India.
  • Make fresh investments in business outside India.
  • Investment and business consultancy in India.
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