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About Us

We, BGS & ASSOCIATES, is a Chartered Accountants firm, with it’s headquarter situated at Hyderabad. The firm has been set up by a group of young, enthusiastic, highly skilled and motivated professionals who have taken experience from top consulting firms and are extensively experienced in their chosen fields. We, at BGS & ASSOCIATES, focus at providing tailor made solutions to challenging problems of our clients, and perform with high quality and timely service.

Our strategic policy is concentric operations and accordingly we render specialized and innovative professional services with speed, accuracy and reliability. It is speed that derives from size able infrastructural support and an extensive base of associates, accuracy that result from an understanding of the science and reliability that only commitment can bestow.

Today our world is being brought to gether not simply by the man date of nations, but by the power of individuals who allow themselves to hope for a better life. Nothing holds greater possibility than a world withh opeforits own future. Although the road may not be easy or quick we think we can help our clients achieve even greater success.

Our mission is to serve our clients with creativity, which is brought about by out of the box thinking, enthusiasm, which stems from the blend of young, experience and dynamic team members, diligence assured by cumulative years of firms experience and vision which is captured by pre-empting client needs. This principle is at the heart of our work.

We work on the basis of the following principles:

  • Work in accordance to certain technical and professional standards
  • Always honest to clients
  • Maintain a high standard of competence
  • Respect clients’ confidentiality
  • Keep organization up-to-date with best business practice
  • Maintaining Code of Ethics
  • Highly professional work

In addition to it, our team work on the basis of various factors including:

  • Transform our knowledge and competence into competitive benefits our clients
  • Presenting quality services with integrity, expertise and professionalism
  • Offer personalized services for meeting and variegated demands of the clients
  • To enable client, make an informed decision
  • Enhance the prospects in the client’s areas of operation

BGS & ASSOCIATES, offers its clients a full range of services, including financial, audit, internal audit, business advisory, tax regulatory services etc.

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